The Path to Yoga Justice and Equity 300Hr Yoga Teacher Training

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  • The Path to Yoga Justice and Equity 300Hr Yoga Teacher Training

300 Hr YTT




Teacher Training

46 Lessons

0% Not started

Thank you, Everyone,  for being here and sharing this experience together.  Make sure you connect with everyone in the Facebook Group.

The Path to Yoga Justice and Equity 300Hr Yoga Teacher Training


About the teacher

Dianne Bondy

Dianne Bondy is a social justice activist, author, accessible yoga teacher, and the leader of the Yoga For All movement. Her inclusive approach to yoga empowers anyone to practice—regardless of their shape, size, ethnicity, or level of ability.

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  1. Hey, all! I know that Karen and Sunny posted in the FB group, but I am also wondering: is it possible for a list of written assignments be shared? Thank you so much for considering!

    1. This is what I remember:
      1000 words:
      • What does it feel or mean to be othered?
      • Can non-white/BIPOC people be racist? Why or why not?
      • How do we dismantle the ideas of white supremacy, bigotry and racism?
      • Make a claim for/against reparations or generational accountability
      • What are some of the most common intersections of oppression?

      500 words (can someone clarify):
      How does contentment, truthfulness and social justice issues interact/intersect? Santosha and sj work.

    2. The other one I found today:
      Less than 500 words on “How contentment, truthfulness, and social justice interact?” “What does contentment mean to you in your work on social justice?”

        1. Hi Alan. Hope you’re doing well! Do we have a posting for the Module 2 homework? I didn’t write down very complete notes when I was watching, so I tried to retrace, but I couldn’t find the spot when Dianne gave the assignment. Preemptive thanks!

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