Dianne Bondy Yoga

The Intentional Well-being Podcast: Healing Generational Trauma

Intentional Well-Being Podcast: Healing Generational Trauma

Welcome to Season 2 of The Intentional Well-Being Podcast with Dianne Bondy! I am so excited to be back to shed light on those tough conversations we need to be having.

Today, I am joined with Emma Kelly from the UK. Emma creates healing space for people of color to share their story, be heard, and heal from ancestral traumas. Traumas that continue today through colonization, white privilege, and lack of awareness.

We are deconstructing the colonized narrative that African spirituality is ‘demonic’ and replacing it with education and the healing space to unlearn and relearn. We need to unpack these conversations and bring awareness to the great healing that can occur when we create safe spaces to connect, share, and listen. Let’s dive in and reclaim what is ours!

About our guest speaker, Emma Kelly:

“My name is Emma Kelly and pronouns are she/her and I am African Caribbean and white British.I’m a yoga teacher and I’m exploring how best to work within a spiritual practice outside my ancestral lineage.I’m an avid traveller and love to learn about cultures and spiritual traditions around the world, this led me to organise and host yoga retreats to Morocco and India.Over the past three years I have been on a journey of learning about African spiritual traditions and reconnecting to the lineage of my Jamaican ancestors.I’m a fully qualified social worker, however I haven’t been out in the field for several years.I’m learning to navigate how to run a business which allows me to dream, rest, play in a way that is in integrity with my values of creating genuine community and support.I love books, tarot, walking in the woods and deep conversations.

I offer gentle yoga classes, BIPOC yoga and spiritual business mentoring, African Spirituality workshops and a Retreat to Marrakesh.”

Dianne Bondy smiles at the camera with her hands on her hips.

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