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IT Band Stretch
IT Band Stretch
Tight IT bands = Sore hips and knees
Lately, I’ve been running, walking and cycling a lot. That has resulted hip tightness and knee pain caused, in part, by tight iliotibial (IT) bands. Today’s practice focuses on two simple stretches you can do to relieve tension along the side of your thighs. Hopefully, these IT band stretches will provide some relief in the hip and knee joints for you.
Pause to listen to your body
While you stretch, take a moment to commend yourself for listening to what your body needs and taking time to seek out a possible solution.ย In fitness, success often focuses on things we can count: doing more squats, running for longer distances, running a mile in less time. These things are fun to measure and demonstrate what our bodies can do. But it can be easy to ignore when our bodies request a pause, a stretch or self-care on the path to setting a new personal best.
Moving from a traditional fitness mentality to a body positive fitness mindset asks us to listen to our body and then give it what it needs. You’ve done that today in practicing this stretch and that is worthy of celebration!ย
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