Dianne Bondy Yoga

Dianne Bondy interview Chelsea Jackson during a webinar.

Yoga Trailblazer: Dr. Chelsea Jackson

Yoga Trailblazer: Dr. Chelsea Jackson

September 29, 2014
Dianne Bondy interview Chelsea Jackson during a webinar.

In this webcast, we interview Yoga Trail Blazer Dr. Chelsea Jacksonโ€“ yoga practitioner, yogaย teacher, PhD and educator. Inside this episode, youโ€™ll hear us talk more about: Dr. Jacksonโ€™s journey into yoga and how she used it ย as ย a tool in her classroom to help students learn express themselves.

She goes on to discuss how using yoga became a tool for developing literacy within in her classroom. Chelseaโ€™s passion for the practice became part of her research. She used the lived experiences of her students across multiple communities to illustrate how yoga and literacy work to create critical thinking. Chelseaโ€™s interest in yoga and diversity lead to research that focused on Black teen yoga practitioners who use yoga and storytelling as mediums for critical literacy development.

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